Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lazy Saturday

As April is ending, my life is finally returning to normal, allowing me to have lazy Saturdays such as today.  It's been a good few days, and one of the only times that I have had two consecutive days off since I've been here.  I love it.

Normally, on Fridays, I go in to the church around 9:45 or 10 AM for the Parent's and Toddlers Group, which runs from 10 AM to Noon, then tidy up afterwards.  Then I go into The Base (which also doubles as John and my office now that the room that used to be our office was ripped apart--actually happened months ago, but I don't think I wrote about it.  There is a crack in the side of the church, which permitted rats to move into the space above the ceiling.  The ceiling was taken out to get the rats and rat related messiness out, and has not been put back in yet.  It's been months, but I'm ok with it, we put wireless in, so I'm not tied to that room for internet access, and The Base is more comfortable anyway, despite a lack of natural light since I keep the window shutter closed...but I digress.  The Base is open from 8-10 PM, so I usually just stay around until then.  This weekend is different.  John decided to close The Base down this Friday and Monday in response to certain mis-behaving youth hiding while we were closing down and letting everyone back in after we left.  Parents and Toddlers was cancelled because Harmony Hill Primary School was closed for the Bank Holiday (which is Monday, but the school gave everyone a four day weekend).  I, being me, forgot that Toddlers was cancelled, so I still showed up at 9:45 and started to set up, a little confused as to why no one else was there.  It was not until a few minutes later that I remembered that we were closed that day, and thus I had the day off.  So I played some Guitar Hero, because hey, I went all the way in, might as well make some good of it.

Around noon I went into Lisburn by way of the Lagan Towpath, got lunch and cash, and then cycled back home, also on the Towpath.  Last night I went to see the Scottish Dance Theatre with Patricia, who then came back to the flat to hang out with Andy and me.  Today we watched Firefly and I made banoffee for church tomorrow.  It's been a lovely weekend, and I have Monday off as well.  Tomorrow is a normal Sunday though, and I still need to plan Flame tomorrow.  The focus is to be on Mission, and I think I'll focus on small, everyday ways of doing Mission.

Also, on the note of Mission, I found out yesterday that Union is planning on demolishing Mission Court, and thus ending any possibility of three generations of Vaughan living there.  Truly a sad day.

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