My second year of Seminary completed, I have decided to get back into the world and spend a year serving in East Africa through the PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) Program. I will be working for Church World Service in Nairobi, Kenya
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Happy New Year
Sunday, December 6, 2009
20 Years
The walls vary greatly in nature, some are large and imposing, others are mostly wire fence, with plantings attempting to conceal them.
One of the great difficulties faced in Northern Ireland is the way in which the walls reinforce themselves. 50% of the population lives in an area where more that 90% share their religious and political background. In 2002, 68% of people between 18 and 25 reported having never had a meaningful conversation with someone from the other community. Just 5% of children go to an integrated school.
This is not entirely unjustified, people still throw projectiles over the walls, and Belfast is prone to what some call "recreational rioting," which is exactly what it sounds like, young people with nothing better to do decide to cause trouble, but in addition to the standard teen thrills, come together in the interface areas to riot. Originally, there would be police officers stationed at the most common flash points, but then it was discovered that police presence really just provided a target, so they were replaced with CCTV cameras like the one to the right, which allows the police to respond promptly without risking instigating (or preventing) anything.
This presents two immediate concerns; first, if the police presence acted to instigate violence, do the walls do the same. The walls themselves may not present a target, but they most certainly show exactly where the divides are in a country where around half the population lives in an area that is at least 90% of their own community. The walls show exactly where the "others" live, and I cannot imagine that they do not contribute to the sense of the other community as "other." In many places the walls (and some murals, more on those later) are among the most prominent features of a community, and it becomes impossible not to wonder how much the define not just the geography, but also the people, all too many of whom have grown up knowing little about the other community other than that they have to be kept apart.
I tried to resist, because it seems at least a little cliché, but I just had to at least link to Robert Frost's "Mending Fences"
Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Tuition tax wouldn't be small change to students - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Remembrance Day
Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Some Background-Part Two: Irish Independence
Monday, September 21, 2009
Some Background-Part One
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Second Week
Thursday, September 3, 2009
First Few Days
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Last Day of Orientation
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Orientation Day One
Monday, August 24, 2009
Thank you for contacting WorldBridge Service, The UK Border Agency's Commercial Partner. We appreciate your patience regarding the response to your enquiry as WorldBridge strives to provide the most accurate responses to all enquiries. Below you will find the response to that enquiry.
You should submit a fresh entry clearance application. This means new form, new photograph, new biometrics and new fee.
Please note that you will not be able to respond to this email. If you have additional questions submit a new enquiry via email free of charge by visiting the WorldBridge website at
When submitting a new enquiry, please reference the case number from this particular email to ensure thorough processing. Note the case number can be found in the subject line of this email, EX: Reply from WorldBridge Service for CaseNumber :00000123.
Thank you again for contacting WorldBridge.
Very sincerely yours,
WorldBridge Service
WorldBridge Service is happy to provide you with this information. Please note, however, that the decision to issue or refuse an entry clearance is made solely by Entry Clearance Officers at the British embassy. WorldBridge staff has no power or influence over the success of applications. WorldBridge staff may offer application information but may not offer immigration advice."
That is the email I received just a few minutes ago. I am feeling some slightly un-christian feelings toward them right now. Seriously, I leave in a week. It took three weeks for my first application just to get there. So now they want me to pay them ANOTHER $212? I say thee NAY Worldbridge, there has to be a better way. Like having the people renting my parents house overnight it for me if I have to, it's expensive, but it's a lot cheaper than the WorldBridge bombing bridges out from under their customers method, and doesn't involve restarting what was a multi-week process.
I'm tired, it's early, and I didn't sleep last night, so I feel like that email has gotten more attention than I meant to pay it. This was supposed to be a nice, touching goodbye post from the terminal, but they took that away from me.
Friday, August 21, 2009
VISA: I can't leave the country without it
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Mom's Ideas
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